The Dublin International Game Music Festival

The Dublin International Game Music Festival
The iDIG Music Fest - Click on the image to go to our website!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Sydney Opera House: Armed Adventures in Oz

It's definitely time for me to get blogging again, before memory rot sets in.
One of the most incredible experiences of my career to date was performing at the Sydney Opera House with the fantastic Sydney Symphony Orchestra in February.
That iconic bastion of music and architectural brilliance simply takes your breath away. It absolutely reminds you of the famous Goethe quote: "Music is liquid architecture; architecture is frozen music".
The orchestra was electrifying, the opera house magnificent and the staff of the house treated us like family.
It simply couldn't have been a better experience.
Click on the Video below for video of the Overture to Symphony of the Goddesses at The Sydney Opera House:

Evidently the Aussies have a great sense of humor... (So does The Almighty judging by some of the lizard-life I saw there) All joking aside, I've seen some serious weaponry come through the doors of many a concert hall at this point so the Opera House staff didn't know how actually appropriate their "joke" was to us.

The Australian media were there to greet us and we got to do a fun featurette from the creative geniuses at ABC's Spawn Point. It's an exciting piece that shows off the orchestra beautifully to a new young audience.

The Sydney Morning Herald came to interview us, curious as to what we were getting up to... invading Sydney with our swords and shields perhaps?

Sydney Symphony in full flight
With the marvelous Sydney Symphony Orchestra
Our friends from Zelda Universe
With some very cool Zelda fans
A spectacular view of Sydney Harbor from the conductor's dressing room at Sydney Opera House

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1 comment:

  1. I can't take my eyes off you when you're on stage. You conduct as though you're dancing, and that smile -never- dissipates. I've never seen such expression before, and I've never seen anyone conduct like you.

