It's definitely time for me to get blogging again, before memory rot sets in. |
One of the most incredible experiences of my career to date was performing at the Sydney Opera House with the fantastic Sydney Symphony Orchestra in February. |
That iconic bastion of music and architectural brilliance simply takes your breath away. It absolutely reminds you of the famous Goethe quote: "Music is liquid architecture; architecture is frozen music". |
The orchestra was electrifying, the opera house magnificent and the staff of the house treated us like family. |
It simply couldn't have been a better experience. |
Click on the Video below for video of the Overture to Symphony of the Goddesses at The Sydney Opera House: |
The Australian media were there to greet us and we got to do a fun featurette from the creative geniuses at ABC's Spawn Point. It's an exciting piece that shows off the orchestra beautifully to a new young audience. |
The Sydney Morning Herald came to interview us, curious as to what we were getting up to... invading Sydney with our swords and shields perhaps? |
Sydney Symphony in full flight |
With the marvelous Sydney Symphony Orchestra |
Our friends from Zelda Universe |
With some very cool Zelda fans |
A spectacular view of Sydney Harbor from the conductor's dressing room at Sydney Opera House |